Together for tomorrow


Me&B kickstarts a circular fashion journey with this new collection

by | Feb 21, 2023

From reinventing a dress as a two-piece for easy mix-and-match styling to headbands and scrunchies made from leftover fabric, Me&B’s latest ME&NT To B collection has circular design at its core: low-waste, creativity, versatility, and reimagining and rethinking.

By upcycling excess – unsold stock – from last season’s collection, this new ME&NT To B collection offers upcycled pieces that maintain the quintessential joy of Me&B’s clothing, without the waste.

“We’re not oblivious to the fact that the clothing industry is inherently unsustainable,” says Caitlin Burn, the marketing manager at Me&B.

We understand we have a responsibility to the planet, and this is the least we can do.

Me&B's ME&NT To B collection

With the office directly connected to their sample production space and warehouse, the team at Me&B noticed how much excess stock they had, specifically of the Anglaise dress. While they expected the dress to be a fast seller, they had produced more than they were able to sell. So, the team brainstormed and came up with the two-piece top and skirt set that offers more versatility with the same effortless, chic style as the original dress. Caitlin says:

Every step of our process, from the design of garments to the packaging, is a checkpoint where we can ensure that we’re ticking one of the four Rs from the circular fashion concept: reduce, reuse, recycle, or remove.

Me&B's ME&NT To B collection

As the ME&NT to B collection is an ongoing project all of the pieces are altered in-house or at one of their local CMTs. In this way, between seasonal production times, Me&B can support local factories with commissioned work.

Looking forward, Me&B have more plans to improve their waste management and meet their sustainability goals. “We’re feeling optimistic about this new venture and are excited to see where it takes us,” says Caitlin. “Keep an eye out because this is just the start of our circular fashion initiative.”

Me&B's ME&NT To B collection

  • Check out the ME&NT to B collection here.
  • Image credits:
    • Models: Anine from Topco & Jo from DA Model Management
    • Makeup: Gareth Coleman
    • Photographer: Cass Collett
    • Space: Happi Hub
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