For Bhero Kulture, Siza and Plot have created an augmented reality portal into the Mabhero clothing market in Harare, and an immersive zine that allows viewers to engage with various topics affecting the fashion industry in Zimbabwe. The zine invites viewers through an interactive and immersive experience, to engage with the impact of second-hand clothes on the manufacturing and textile industry in Zimbabwe, the impact of fast fashion on the climate, the benefits of wearing preloved clothes, and the power that youth and youth culture hold to influence positive change towards an equitable and sustainable fashion industry.
by Siza Mukwedini and Plot Mhako
Format: Virtual Reality
3D and Unity Artist | Siza Mukwedini
Graphic Design and Research | Plot Mako
Music | Brian Jeck
The Design Futures Lab is a creative economy project, hosted by Electric South, Twyg, Korokoza and Crossover Labs and supported by the British Council #SouthernAfricaArts. The second edition of the Design Futures Lab was held in May 2023 and this is one of six prototypes completed in August 2023. The prototypes will be exhibited at the Fakugesi African Digital Innovation Festival from 26 September – 1 October 2023.