Together for tomorrow

Discussion: Designing With Nature

Discussion: Designing With Nature

1683 1683 people viewed this event.

Date and time: Thursday, 23 June from 5:15pm – 6:15pm (SAST) | 7:15pm – 8:15pm (MAU)
Location: Online
Cost: FREE
Book: HERE

Presented by Fashion Revolution South Africa

The fast fashion industry has become notorious for its ongoing extraction of natural resources and harmful practices that cause irreversible damage to natural systems. How do we bring fashion back into balance with the living world and cultivate fashion practices that exist in harmony with natural systems? In this conversation, you will hear from fashion practitioners who are championing nature-friendly approaches and sharing their lessons on how to design with nature, instead of against it.


  • Cyril Naicker | Country Coordinator of Fashion Revolution South Africa

In discussion with

  • Dorcas Mutombo | Designer of Emilia D
  • Dax Holding |Managing Director of Mungo
  • Maxwell Boko and Mmuso Potsane | Designers of MmusoMaxwell
  • Leandi Mulder | Designer of Leandi Mulder

Image: Production | Thug Alchemy and Photography | Andile Phewa

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Date And Time

2022-06-23 @ 05:15 PM to
2022-06-23 @ 06:15 PM


Online event

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Our work is in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 12, which aims to ensure sustainable consumption and production. Read More